Platelet Rich Plasma - PRP: Natural and Highly Effective Cell Product From Your Own Blood
Platelet Rich plasma (PRP) is a highly effective cell product, derived solely from your own blood. Compared to the evolved and complex stem cell-based therapies, like the Stem Cell Secretome, PRP is easy to obtain and produced quickly, and therefore less cost intensive. It contains many beneficial growth factors that have been proven to be effective in many different application areas, such as orthopedic, cosmetics or wound healing.
PRP is usually obtained from 20-40cc of the patient's own blood. Afterwards, in the laboratory, the platelets are concentrated (from the obtained blood) and being prepared for, either re-injection at the location where they are needed or combined with stem cells, if required. It is important to note that PRP works in synergy with our stem cell-based therapies, to make for a more potent and effective treatment.

PRP - platelet-rich plasma

Growth factors typically found in PRP
Platelets contain growth factors that, when secreted, are responsible for:
- recruiting and activating of other (stem) cells to the injured site for accelerated healing
- increased collagen (connective tissue) production
- initiation of blood vessel formation (antigenic)
- induction of cell differentiation
- induction of bone mineralization
- induction of tissue regeneration
- induction of tissue rejuvenation
- induction of tissue adhesion
Generation of PRP from Autologous Blood
In order to generate autologous (patient-self) PRP, we draw blood from a blood vessel in your arm. This blood sample is then concentrated in a short and safe, closed process. After only 30 min the sampling and quality control is complete and PRP can be applied.
This is concentrated in a short and safe closed process. After only 30 minutes, sampling and quality control are complete and the PRP can be applied.

PRP: Proven Efficacy for Many Orthopedic Conditions
Sooner or later, almost everyone in their lifetime is affected by orthopedic medical problems. Currently available medications for most orthopedic problems are very limited and normally focus on pain relief, such as the case with Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and Cortisone. When drugs are not able to offer help, then medical operation(s) are ultimately the only option. All methods are relatively blunt and provide limited lasting effects. This is the reason why stem cell-based therapies fundamentally change the game: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a relatively simple precursor of stem cell-based therapies with a long track record of successful clinical trials.
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections consist of concentrated platelets isolated from the patient’s own blood.
This reduces pain and aids in the natural process of healing.
Injections are usually performed into damaged cartilage and tendons. - PRP rebuilds and regenerates tissues. It can be used in common tendon injuries, such as tennis elbow or achilles tendinitis.
It can also be used to stimulate healing of cartilage in the case of osteoarthritis or other conditions. - PRP injections are sometimes performed in a series of injections, however, patients often experience significant results after the first injection.
Common orthopedic conditions where PRP can be applied include:
- Osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, spine and shoulder
- Tennis elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
- ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injuries
- Achilles tendinitis
- Bone fractures
- Chronic inflammation of tendons and cartilage throughout the body
PRP: Synergistic Addition to our Stem Cell-Based Therapies
In addition to applications in the orthopedic area, PRP has natural synergistic effects with ANOVA's stem cell-based therapies. Stem cells can require an activation in order to work optimally. This activation is done most efficiently and naturally with PRP and its associated growth factors. Therefore, Platelet Rich Plasma has a special role in our repertoire, not only as a single therapy, but as an addition to our other stem cell products; to enhance the effects of our stem cell-based therapies. At ANOVA's German clinic, we offer combinational therapy with PRP and stem cells, one of a kind in Europe. Contact us to receive more information.

Figure 2: Schematic illustration of a resting (left) versus activated (right) platelet. Normally platelets are in a resting state. On activation (e.g. by thrombin), platelets change their shape and by developing pseudopods. These promote platelet aggregation and the release of granule content through the open canallcular system (GP glycoprotein). Figure from [10]
Stem Cell Therapies sorted by stem cell type (source tissue) and product
References and Literature - Platelet-Rich Plasma 'PRP'
- Laver, Lior, et al. "PRP for Degenerative Cartilage Disease A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies." Cartilage (2016): 1947603516670709.
- Fabbrocini, Gabriella, et al. "PRP for Lip and Eye Rejuvenation." Nonsurgical Lip and Eye Rejuvenation Techniques. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 77-83.
- Meheux, Carlos J., et al. "Efficacy of intra-articular platelet-rich plasma injections in knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review." Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 32.3 (2016): 495-505.
- Malavolta, Eduardo A., et al. "Comments on: Evaluation of platelet-rich plasma and fibrin matrix to assist in healing and repair of rotator cuff injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Clinical rehabilitation 30.7 (2016): 726-727.
- Zhou, Yiqin, and James HC Wang. "PRP Treatment Efficacy for Tendinopathy: A Review of Basic Science Studies." BioMed Research International 2016 (2016).
- Sampson S, Gerhardt M, Mandelbaum B. Platelet rich plasma injection grafts for musculoskeletal injuries: a review. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2008;1(3-4):165-174. doi:10.1007/s12178-008-9032-5.
- Amini F, Ramasamy TS. Efficacy of platelet rich plasma ( PRP ) on skin rejuvenation : A systematic review. 2015;18(3):119-127.
- Sanchez AR, Sheridan PJ, Kupp LI. Is platelet rich plasma the perfect enhancement factor? A current review. Int J Oral Maxillo- fac Surg. 2003;18:93–103
- Sampson S, Gerhardt M, Mandelbaum B. Platelet rich plasma injection grafts for musculoskeletal injuries: a review. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2008;1(3-4):165-174. doi:10.1007/s12178-008-9032-5.